For The Best Recovery Possible

At Roanoke Oral Surgery, we want you to have the best possible result. For your convenience, we have several pre and post-operative surgical instructions for treatment. They are designed to help prepare you for before and after surgery and inform you of any situation that may require special attention.  Please follow the instructions for your specific procedure.

Our team at Roanoke Oral Surgery is here for you throughout the entire process. We want you to feel comfortable throughout your treatment, so if you have any questions before, during, or after your appointment regarding your specific surgical procedure, please feel free to call our office.

Pre-Operative Instructions

Anesthesia / IV Sedation

Post-Operative Instructions

Wisdom Teeth Removal / Impacted Tooth

Dental Implants

Tooth Extraction

Sinus Lift Surgery

Oral Pathology Biopsy

Patient Document & Form Download

We have made our patient forms and notices available for download. Printing out & completing the required forms ahead of time will expedite your visit with us. The following documents are available as printable PDF files using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, download a free copy now from Adobe by clicking here.

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