WHAT ARE Orthodontic Procedures?

Correcting Misaligned Teeth

The results of orthodontic treatment can be dramatic — inviting smiles, improved dental health, & providing a better quality of life for patients of all ages.

Working closely with your orthodontist, our surgeons provide treatment for adults, adolescents, and children. Orthodontic services offered include exposure and bracketing of impacted teeth, bone plates, temporary anchorage devices, frenectomy, and frenoplasty. These services will aid and assist your orthodontist in optimizing your occlusion and oral health.


  • Help balance gum-to-teeth ratio & gummy smiles
  • Add temporary anchorage devices
  • Free impacted teeth below the gumline or jaw
  • Release connective tissue that limit motion & tongue-ties


Our office offers payment & financing options, allowing you the freedom to make the best decision about your treatment options. For your convenience, we accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover as well as cash and debit cards. We also accept CareCredit when out of pocket expense exceeds $1,500. To learn more about CareCredit and how to apply, visit www.CareCredit.com. Click below to learn more about our payment policy and financing options.


Roanoke Oral Surgery is in-network with several dental insurances carriers and with Medicare. Please call our office or your insurance carrier to find out if we are in-network with your carrier. All co-pays and unmet deductibles will be expected to be paid at the time of service. Any remaining balance after your insurance claims are processed is solely your responsibility. Click below to learn more about our insurance policy.

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