To Help Assist You With Investing In Your Oral Health
We make it easy for people to get the care they want and need, right when they need it, without having to delay treatment or appointments. We are concerned about your dental care and want to ensure you that it is performed in the most responsible manner. In order to assist you with the investment in your dental health, we have outlined our payment policy.
After your consultation and treatment planning with one of our surgeons, we will be happy to submit an insurance pre-determination to help you identify your available benefits. While we will do our best to help you optimize your benefits, it is crucial for you to understand the requirements/limitations and access restrictions of your insurance/benefit plan as well as your estimated expense.

Make An Online Payment
For your convenience, you may make a payment on your account online.
Click the “Pay Now” button below and you will be redirected to a secure site. Once you are redirected, edit the Total Amount Due to reflect the amount of your payment (This is a default minimum amount and does not reflect a true balance on your account). Enter your card information and make sure to enter your Patient ID from your statement in the Customer Reference ID field to ensure your payment is posted to the correct account. Once you have entered all information, click the green “pay” button at the lower right of the screen to submit your payment. If you have any questions regarding your account balance, please contact our business office by calling 540-362-5900, Option 2.

Payment Options
For your convenience, we accept We accept Mastercard, VISA, Discover, check cards, electronic checks, and CareCredit. We deliver the finest care at the most reasonable cost to our patients, therefore our financial policy is that payment is due at the time service is rendered unless other arrangements have been made in advance.
Please remember you are fully responsible for all fees charged by this office regardless of your insurance coverage. Most insurance companies will respond within four to six weeks. We will send you a monthly statement. Please call our office if your statement does not reflect your insurance payment within that time frame. Any remaining balance after your insurance has paid is your responsibility. Your prompt remittance is appreciated.

CareCredit Financing Option
CareCredit provides a valuable financing option for treatments and procedures that typically are not covered by insurance, or for times when insurance doesn't cover the full amount. CareCredit is also used by cardholders to pay for deductibles and co-payments.
CareCredit works like a credit card but is exclusive for healthcare services. With no up-front costs, no pre-payment penalties, and no annual fees, CareCredit lets you pay over time and frees up cash and credit cards for the other things you want or need. CareCredit offers low monthly payment plans for healthcare procedures not commonly covered by insurance, including dental treatment. Plus, you can use your card, again and again, to pay for additional treatment for yourself or family members in any CareCredit practice.
Patient Document & Form Download
We have made our patient forms and notices available for download. Printing out & completing the required forms ahead of time will expedite your visit with us. The following documents are available as printable PDF files using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, download a free copy now from Adobe by clicking here.